百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发

百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发

本文系网易智能工作室(公众号smartman 163)出品。聚焦AI,读懂下一个大时代!




陆奇表示“AI is borderless”,技术创新对全球所有人都有利,中国具备人口、数据、产业集群、政策的结构化优势,尽管从高端技术和人才来讲美国仍然是领先的,但中国和美国之间的差距在快速缩小

“百度的AI在以非常、非常快的速度发展,百度在2013年率先创建了一个深度学习研究院,我们2014年在硅谷建立了一个实验室,叫做Baidu Research,2015年,我们发布了DuerOS的第一个版本,它是一个对话式AI平台,2016年,百度发布了自动驾驶汽车技术和百度大脑,2017年,我们通过一系列新的AI产品驱动,尤其是发布Apollo自动驾驶平台明确了公司的AI发展方向”陆奇这样概括了百度的AI发展历程。

百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发



与此同时,百度还宣布与Udacity联合推出面向全球的Apollo自动驾驶在线课程,以人才驱动行业发展。Google无人车之父、Udacity创始人Sebastian Thrun作为特邀嘉宾出席发布会,并表达了对于双方合作的期待:“联手百度,我们期望将Apollo系统和自动驾驶普及至全球,让人人都迈出成为无人驾驶工程师的第一步,真正迎来无人驾驶技术的‘全民时代’。”

百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发

当然,现场还有一个无人车视频连线,这次可不是李彦宏上五环,“AI is Changing the World, China Speed”陆奇在拉斯维加斯向全球开发者、合作伙伴展示中国速度的方式――远程连线北京清晨7点钟的北京,十辆阿波罗无人车绕百度大厦开跑!



百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发

早在去年7月5日的百度AI开发者大会上,百度首次对外公布Apollo详细的路线图、技术框架以及首期开放Apollo 1.0的能力。2017年9月20日,百度如期发布Apollo1.5版本,开放障碍物感知、决策规划、云端仿真、高精地图服务、端到端的深度学习(End-to-End)等五大核心能力,并支持昼夜定车道自动驾驶,持续赋能合作伙伴,而这次,百度开放了Apollo的2.0版本。

百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发



在2018百度世界大会美国场发布会上,百度度秘事业部总经理景鲲发布了搭载DuerOS 2.0的三款智能硬件产品――小鱼在家VS1智能视频音箱、Sengled生迪智能音箱灯和popIn Aladdin智能投影吸顶灯,这三款新品将在CES 2018期间参展亮相,这是DuerOS继“百度世界2017”发布渡鸦硬件之后,时隔一个月再次发布智能硬件新品。

百度在美宣布Apollo2.0开放 DuerOS智能硬件三连发


在平台方面,景鲲指出,去年2017年7月的百度开发者大会上,我们宣布推出了DuerOS 1.0版本,平台分三层,包括DuerOS智能设备平台、DuerOS核心对话系统和DuerOS技能开放平台,4个月之后,我们就推出了DuerOS 2.0版,带来了诸多更新,我们希望DuerOS无处不在。


Thank you! Thank you very much! Welcome tothe first ever Baidu World at Las Vegas!

谢谢!非常感谢!欢迎来到在拉斯维加斯举办的首次Baidu World!

Today we are very excited about theopportunity to tell you the latest AI innovations, the new platforms, the newproducts, and more importantly, I will share with you how Baidu is acceleratingAI innovation at China speed, how through open platforms we can work togetherto change the world and make it a better place.


As we all know, the AI era has alreadyarrived, and it has profound social and economic impacts. It will drive theupcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution. The reason, Why does it have so muchpower? (It is) because the AI technology gives us the unprecedented capability.And this picture captures the essence of AI innovation. At its very core, AItechnology is about systems that we build using software, hardware andalgorithms. But the systems have the capability to automatically learn andacquire knowledge from data and apply that knowledge to achieve our technicalgoals to outcome we want. And that’s the essence of AI revolution, which is theacceleration of harnessing knowledge. And this is the unprecedented part,because Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” With the right knowledge, wecan solve any problems that have happened to us. But to drive AI innovations,data will play a central role. Data is the carrier of knowledge. Without data,we can’t build the systems that understand human conversations. Only with ourdata, can we build the systems that can recognize our objects on the road andcan be used for autonomous driving platform. So therefore, capturing andharnessing data will be a deciding factor for how broad and how fast AIinnovation will proceed. And this is why AI as a technology has already beenwidely applied across a broad spectrum, and really transforming the existingindustries and creating powerful new ones.


The AI technology has already been widelyapplied across a broad spectrum, transforming and renovating the existing industriesand creating powerful new ones. And this is also why “China+ AI” will have aspecial opportunity to unlock more AI innovations at a fast pace. And this isbecause structurally China will have a unique advantage. As we all know, thetech industry requires several structural elements―talent, technology, capital,market. Historically, the United States is the only country that has all thoseelements. But now China has all those as well. Even though technologytalent-wise at the top end the United States is still ahead, but the gapbetween China and the United States is closing, and is closing fast. And theadvantage we have is a large population and a fast growing market. And theoverall friendly and favorable policy environment is designed to enable moreand actually harnessing data and nurture more AI innovations.

AI技术已经在很大范围内得到了广泛应用,在改变和革新现有产业、创建强大的新产业。这也是为什么“China+ AI”将有一个特别的机会来快速释放更多AI创新的原因。这是因为中国从结构上来讲将有一个独特的优势。我们都知道,科技行业需要几个结构要素――人才、技术、资本和市场。历史上,美国是惟一拥有所有这些要素的国家。但现在中国也拥有了所有这些要素。尽管从高端技术和人才来讲美国仍然是领先的,但中国和美国之间的差距在缩小、在快速缩小。而我们所具有的优势是人口多、市场发展快。整体上友好和有利的政策环境也有助于产生和利用更多数据以及培育更多AI创新。

And this is to begin with. China will havea lot more data for AI to work with. What is to start with is people. China hasa population of 1.3 billion people with 1.1 billion smartphone users and anonline population of 750 million people all in the same market. For any AIinnovation that is related to people such as healthcare and education, there isjust more data to experiment, to try different ideas, and to realize implementationat a faster pace. China also has the largest manufacturing and traditionalindustry base. For our industry alone, China has more than 200 million vehiclesand over 200 OEMs. There is a lot more data to tap into. There is a lot moreopportunities for AI to drive innovation.


In addition, China also has a favorableoverall environment, because the Chinese government has a good grasp of what AIcan do, and this is a historical opportunity for China to ride the AI wave tobecome an innovation power. And the government has shown a lot of commitment andwillingness to invest for long term. AI is already part of the government’sfive-year plan. Just a few months ago, the government published a comprehensivewhite paper for systematically investing in AI. At the same time, thegovernment is also much more willing to apply the policies to support andnurture AI innovation, such as the support of the national AI platforms andpolicies that are designed to enable autonomous driving test and R&D.


This is all great news for all of us aroundthe world, because AI is global and technology innovation benefits everyone onthe globe. Wherever a new cancer treatment is discovered, it saves liveseverywhere. Anytime a new way of learning is discovered, it helps everyoneacross the globe to become better educated. For all of us working in the techindustry in China, doing AI innovations will enable us to embrace theopportunities, to lead, and to serve more people around the world, becausetogether we can change the world and make it a better place.


Baidu is exactly what all of this is about,working super hard to drive all innovations. Here is a quick introduction ofthe company:


For all of you, it’s simple―Baiduessentially is the Google of China. Because of such a heritage, just likeGoogle, Baidu is clearly the leading AI company in China, as the best AItechnology, the overall best talent, and the vast amount of data assets arecoming from the leading suite of online services.


Baidu’s AI is also developing at a very,very fast pace. Baidu is among the very first to create a deep learninginstitute in 2013. We created a Silicon Valley lab, Baidu Research, in 2014. In2015, we launched the first DuerOS version, which is a conversational AIplatform. In 2016, Baidu debuted the self-driving car technology and also theBaidu Brain AI platform. In 2017, we pivotally tied the company towards AI witha series of new AI engines, especially the launch of the Apollo autonomousdriving platform.

百度的AI也在以非常、非常快的速度发展。百度在2013年率先创建了一个深度学习研究院。我们2014年在硅谷创建了一个实验室,叫做Baidu Research。2015年,我们发布了第一个版本的DuerOS,它是一个对话AI平台。2016年,百度发布了自动驾驶汽车技术和百度大脑AI技术平台。2017年,我们通过一系列新的AI创新引擎,尤其是Apollo自动驾驶平台的发布,确定了公司的AI发展方向。

Going forward, Baidu is an AI company. AIis at the center of driving everything we do at Baidu. To begin with, we use AIto transform and renovate Baidu’s current core businesses―search, personalizedfeed in Mobile Baidu, and also video entertainment in IQIYI. For those of you,IQIYI is essentially the Netflix of China and much more.


In addition, we are gonna build a number ofnew AI-enabled businesses, especially Apollo for autonomous driving and DuerOSfor conversational AI. These are huge business opportunities for Baidu to growinto. They will also fully leverage Baidu’s core competency and assets. And allthose are built on top of the common technology platforms of Baidu Brain andBaidu Intelligent Cloud. Baidu Brain is clearly the most complete AI platformin China. As the low level infrastructure, over the years, Baidu has developedfirst-class cloud infrastructures and strong data assets and data processingcapabilities.


In other parts of AI competition, Baidu isvery strong in AI algorithms, and we have powerful AI platforms for deeplearning on both car side and on devices. Baidu Brain is also the firstplatform to clearly separate the perceptual layer and the cognitive layer. Bothof them offer very comprehensive capabilities for all sorts of applications.Putting all together, Baidu Brain is a potent platform that is fueling massiveinnovations at Baidu and also for all other car innovations at our partners.That’s why as a result Baidu Brain today is already the most vibrant AIplatform in China. Our third-party developer is growing very, very rapidly. Thedaily call volume to the platform is skyrocketing. And at the same time, thenumber of applications, the variety, all different types of AI innovationsimply is growing at a massive scale and a rapid pace.


Third-party applications simply arepromising. And this is very symbiotic between Baidu and the “China+ AI”macro-environment, because with more third-party innovations, it helpsstrengthen the platform. At the same time, a stronger platform will drive more,and accelerate the pace, of AI productization and AI commercialization for thecore AI-enabled businesses for Baidu.

第三方应用很有前景,这是百度与“China+ AI”宏观环境之间非常密切的共生关系,因为通过更多第三方创新,它可帮助增强这一平台。与此同时,一个更强大的平台也将有助于推动更多AI创新,加快百度核心AI业务的产品化速度和商业化速度。

This is the main part of today’spresentation, which is to unveil the new AI platforms and showcase new AIproducts, specifically Apollo for autonomous driving and DuerOS forconversational platforms. And our fundamental approach for those is throughopen APIs and open platforms to build innovation ecosystems together toaccelerate the pace of innovation.




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