微软大功臣、诺基亚前CEO Stephen Elop将接手微软硬件业务部门

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诺基亚前CEO Stephen Elop曾是微软CEO的 热门人选 ,随着 Satya Nadella的走马上任 ,Elop也将被赋予新的使命。

根据 The Verge 曝光的一份微软内部备忘录,Elop即将接替Julie Larson-Green执掌微软硬件业务部门,负责Xbox、Surface、游戏业务以及新并入的诺基亚设备服务部门业务。而Larson-Green将出任微软首席体验官(Chief Experience Officer),隶属于应用与服务部门(ASG)。

此前,Elop曾表示过会考虑 卖掉 Xbox 以及关停 Bing 搜索 。但从目前的情况来看,Xbox和Bing搜索在微软 One Microsoft 战略 中仍有着重要的地位。


以下是Julie Larson-Green的完整备忘:


As you will read in the notes below from Qi and Satya, I‘ve accepted a new challenge, leading the My Life & Work team in ASG and serving as the Chief Experience Officer (CXO). As hard as it is for me to leave Devices & Studios, I‘m thrilled about this opportunity. In working with company leaders this year to establish our One Microsoft vision and plan, I thought about ways I could have impact on helping Microsoft prepare for the future and innovate. My discussions with Satya and Qi made clear this is a critical space to drive new thinking and an essential way to help the shape the company‘s direction. I‘m looking forward to developing the Digital Life & Digital Work Experience Substrate that powers modern digital experiences regardless of device, as well as working across ASG to strengthen customer experiences.

I want to thank each and every one of you for welcoming me and supporting me as the leader of Devices & Studios over the past 7 months. I‘m very proud of what we have accomplished during such a short timeframe. We launched Xbox One, Surface 2 & Pro 2, blockbuster games like Forza and Ryse, a brand new Xbox Music and Video service, PPI, and some amazing unannounced innovations just to name a few - incredibly impressive!

Our opportunity to grow as a world-class devices and experiences company is greater than ever, and I have every belief that as One Microsoft we‘re on the right path. The addition of Nokia Devices & Services into the DnS family will add tremendous scale, talent and opportunity for our future.

I‘ll remain in role leading the DnS organization in the interim until the Nokia deal closes and Stephen Elop makes his transition to Microsoft. We‘ve been meeting regularly throughout and are making a lot of progress, ensuring our teams are ready for the Day 1 close and beyond.

You are all in great hands with Stephen and already we‘ve shared a lot with him and his LT from Nokia regarding all of the fantastic people, teams and products in DnS. I also know many of you are looking forward to welcoming the Nokia team and working more closely with them.

As I look to the future, I‘m reminded of a favorite Chinese proverb: "To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping."

I encourage you all to stay focused on the journey and opportunities ahead, and know that I‘ll be there in step with you as we launch the next chapter of Microsoft.

Thank you,


[本文参考以下来源: theverge.com ]

