苹果与 IBM 展开长期、深度合作,双方优势互补,专注企业级移动市场

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日前,苹果IBM 达成排他性合作协议,联合各自领先市场的优势,共同打造一样新品类商业应用,建立全新的企业级移动体验——IBM 享誉已久的大数据及分析能力将注入苹果的 iPhoneiPad——结合后者擅长的用户体验,共同改善企业及员工使用 iOS 设备工作的流程。

自从 2004年剥离 PC 业务以来,IBM 已经有 10 年没面向一半消费者出售产品了。另一方面,尽管向众多公司卖出了大量电脑、手机、平板,苹果仍然没有进军企业级市场。相信这项合作会给两大公司带来优势互补的好处。

过去几个月来,苹果掌门人 Cook 与 IBM 当家 Rometty 会晤多次,进展顺畅。Cook 表示,苹果和 IBM 就像拼图时两块 “正确的组件”,彼此能完美咬合,当两家公司的人共处一室,那种融洽的工程文化迅速地交织在一起。苹果 + IBM,就是一道 1 + 1 > 2 的算式。Rometty 的陈述也肯定了彼此,她坚信苹果和 IBM 是业界的领袖、黄金标准,不断为客户创造新的价值、解锁奇妙的体验。

插一句,声明一出,一贯以企业级体验为傲的黑莓股价下挫4%(目前每股股价是 US$11.13 ),苹果上涨,目前股价是 US$95.32 ,IBM 则是 US$188.49 。这会是黑莓的终章吗?


标题:Apple 与 IBM 达成全球合作关系,共同推进企业级移动市场转型


CUPERTINO, California 与 ARMONK, New York—— 2014 年 7 月 15 日——苹果与 IBM 今天宣布,达成排他合作:结合双方各自引领市场的优势,创造一种新品类商务应用,将 IBM 的 大数据 及分析能力注入 iPhone 与 iPad ,推进整个企业级移动市场转型。

此次合作具有划时代意义,精髓在于重新定义人们的工作方式、解决企业级移动应用中的难题、并以 “移动优先” 为指导思想进行商业变革。这些目标会通过四项任务完成:

  • 针对特定行业需求与 iPhone、iPad 平台,定制新型企业级解决方案,数量将达到 100 多种(包括原生应用)

  • 针对 iOS 特定优化的 IBM 云服务,包括:设备管理、安全、分析及移动整合

  • 针对企业各类需求而打造的全新 AppleCare支持服务

  • 由 IBM 打包提供的新品,用于设备激活、供应及管理

IBM MobileFirst for iOS 方案的基石是两大公司各自的强大优势:IBM 的大数据及分析能力,旗下 10 万多名行业和领域顾问以及背后的软件开发者,还有苹果公司优异的消费者体验,软硬整合及开发者平台。二者融合所创造出来的应用将革新企业及及其雇员使用 iPhone 和 iPad 工作的方式,允许公司将效率、效能、顾客满意度提升到全新水平。

作为这项排他性合作协议的内容之一,IBM 将在全球范围内向企业客户出售配置有特定行业解决方案的 iPhone、iPad 设备。

苹果 CEO Tim Cook 表示:“iPhone 和 iPad 是全世界最棒的移动设备,它们已经改变了人们的工作方式,财富 500 强公司中 98%、全球 500 强中 92% 都在使用 iOS 设备。” 他还说:“有史以来第一次,我们能将IBM 久负盛名的云大数据分析能力注入 iOS 用户的指尖,苹果也能因此进入一个潜力无限的市场。两家公司合作,对于企业级市场意义深远。有的东西,也只有苹果和 IBM 才能提供。”

IBM 的 CEO Ginni Rometty 表示:“移动、数据、云,结合起来,就能为公司和产业带来划时代的变革。人们对工作、产业、职业将诞生全新看法。” 他还指出:“我们与苹果的合作,同样饱含着 IBM 的初衷,我们热切希望将创新带给全球客户,并进一步巩固 IBM 自分析、云、软件及服务领域的领导地位。能与苹果合作,我们倍感荣幸,它们的成果已经改善了无数人的生活方式,没有苹果,生活是不能想象的。我们的合作将为人们的工作方式带来变革,改善产业和公司运转的体验。”

苹果与 IBM 的共同愿景是:通过 iPad 和 iPhone 将整个公司的知识、数据、分析及工作流搁到全球商业人士手中。我们共同打造的企业级移动解决方案将具备如下特性:

  • 改变公司的移动方案:我们将通力合作,开发 IBM MobileFirst for iOS Solutions——一个全新的企业级应用门类。这些应用瞄准特定的行业需求,包括:零售、医疗、银行、旅行及交通、电信、保险,等等。初步的成果将在今年秋季与大家见面,2015 年将有更多产品放出。

  • 移动平台:这套平台将提供 “端对端” 企业级服务,比如:分析、工作流、云存储、机队规模的设备管理、安全、整合。移动管理将获得强化,比如:私有应用目录、数据及交易安全服务,以及为所有针对 iOS 开发 “移动优先” 的 IBM 解决方案而打造的生产力套件。在上述软件解决方案的基础上,这些服务将登陆 Bluemix——IBM Cloud Marketplace 上的开发平台。

  • 移动服务和支持:苹果享誉已久的客户支持小组将为企业级 Apple Care 用户——IT 部门和终端用户提供 24/7 协助。同时,IBM 将提供现场支持服务。

  • 打包服务:IBM 将推出 IBM MobileFirst 供应与管理服务,用于针对 iPhone 与 iPad 的设备供应、激活和管理,并提供租赁选择。

苹果在 WWDC 2014 大会上推出的 iOS 8 是 App Store 有史以来最大的创新,它为用户带去不可思议的新特性,并向开发者提供一系列工具,以创造出美妙的新应用。针对企业级用户,iOS 8 将打造全新的 IT 模型,以服务更移动化的工作群体,帮助他们更了解自己的设备是怎样被配置、管理、约束的。另外,iOS 8 还将为他们带去刚可靠到安全性、管理和生产力属性。

苹果,已经设计出 Mac、OS X、iLife、iWork 和其它专业软件;苹果,通过 iPod 和 iTunes 在线商店,引领了整个数字音乐革命;苹果,借助革命性的 iPhone 和 App Store 重新发明了手机;苹果,正通过 iPad 定义整个移动媒体和计算设备的未来。

IBM 旗下 5000 名移动专家,一直以来都战斗在企业移动创新的最前线。目前,IBM 已经在移动、社交、安全领域斩获了 4300 多项专利——这些成果已经与 IBM MobileFirst 解决方案融为一体,帮助众多企业级用户显著简化、和加速了移动体验,协助组织接触到更多用户、占据新的市场。

过去 10 年间,IBM 在安全界进行了一系列收购。目前,在它遍布全球的25歌安全实验室里,有 6000 多名安全研究专家和开发者,它们正在协力打造企业级的解决方案。

另外,IBM 还在大数据和分析咨询与技术领域,打造了全球最深入的组合体验。之所以能取得这样的成就,是因为有4万单(Jason,请帮助核实 40000 的对象)数据与分析服务作为基础。这套分析组合体验横跨研发、解决方案、软硬件,调动了 15000 多名分析顾问,4000 项分析专利、6000 家企业级解决方案商务伙伴,以及 400名 IBM 数学家——他们正在帮助客户使用大数据,使得自己的组织更进一个台阶。

以下是英文全文(原文点击 这里 ):

Apple and IBM Forge Global Partnership to Transform Enterprise Mobility
CUPERTINO, California and ARMONK, New York—July 15, 2014—Apple® and IBM today announced an exclusive partnership that teams the market-leading strengths of each company to transform enterprise mobility through a new class of business apps—bringing IBM’s big data and analytics capabilities to iPhone® and iPad®.

The landmark partnership aims to redefine the way work will get done, address key industry mobility challenges and spark true mobile-led business change—grounded in four core capabilities:
a new class of more than 100 industry-specific enterprise solutions including native apps, developed exclusively from the ground up, for iPhone and iPad;
unique IBM cloud services optimized for iOS, including device management, security, analytics and mobile integration;
new AppleCare® service and support offering tailored to the needs of the enterprise; and new packaged offerings from IBM for device activation, supply and management.

The new IBM MobileFirst for iOS solutions will be built in an exclusive collaboration that draws on the distinct strengths of each company: IBM’s big data and analytics capabilities, with the power of more than 100,000 IBM industry and domain consultants and software developers behind it, fused with Apple’s legendary consumer experience, hardware and software integration and developer platform. The combination will create apps that can transform specific aspects of how businesses and employees work using iPhone and iPad, allowing companies to achieve new levels of efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction—faster and easier than ever before.

As part of the exclusive IBM MobileFirst for iOS agreement, IBM will also sell iPhones and iPads with the industry-specific solutions to business clients worldwide.

“iPhone and iPad are the best mobile devices in the world and have transformed the way people work with over 98 percent of the Fortune 500 and over 92 percent of the Global 500 using iOS devices in their business today,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “For the first time ever we’re putting IBM’s renowned big data analytics at iOS users’ fingertips, which opens up a large market opportunity for Apple. This is a radical step for enterprise and something that only Apple and IBM can deliver.”

“Mobility—combined with the phenomena of data and cloud—is transforming business and our industry in historic ways, allowing people to re-imagine work, industries and professions,” said Ginni Rometty, IBM Chairman, President and CEO. “This alliance with Apple will build on our momentum in bringing these innovations to our clients globally, and leverages IBM’s leadership in analytics, cloud, software and services. We are delighted to be teaming with Apple, whose innovations have transformed our lives in ways we take for granted, but can’t imagine living without. Our alliance will bring the same kind of transformation to the way people work, industries operate and companies perform.”

Apple and IBM’s shared vision for this partnership is to put in the hands of business professionals everywhere the unique capabilities of iPads and iPhones with a company’s knowledge, data, analytics and workflows. Specifically, the two companies are working together to deliver the essential elements of enterprise mobile solutions:

  • Mobile solutions that transform business: The companies will collaborate to build IBM MobileFirst for iOS Solutions—a new class of “made-for-business apps” targeting specific industry issues or opportunities in retail, healthcare, banking, travel and transportation, telecommunications and insurance, among others, that will become available starting this fall and into 2015.

  • Mobile platform: The IBM MobileFirst Platform for iOS will deliver the services required for an end-to-end enterprise capability, from analytics, workflow and cloud storage, to fleet-scale device management, security and integration. Enhanced mobile management includes a private app catalog, data and transaction security services, and productivity suite for all IBM MobileFirst for iOS solutions. In addition to on-premise software solutions, all these services will be available on Bluemix—IBM’s development platform on the IBM Cloud Marketplace.

  • Mobile service and support: AppleCare for Enterprise will provide IT departments and end users with 24/7 assistance from Apple’s award-winning customer support group, with on-site service delivered by IBM.

  • Packaged service offerings: IBM is introducing IBM MobileFirst Supply and Management for device supply, activation and management services for iPhone and iPad, with leasing options.

Announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference in June and available later this year, Apple’s iOS 8 is the biggest release since the launch of the App Store℠, giving users incredible new features and developers the tools to create amazing new apps. For enterprise, iOS 8 builds on the new IT model for a mobilized workforce by improving the way users are informed of how their devices are configured, managed or restricted, with expanded security, management and productivity features.

Apple designs Macs, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

IBM’s 5,000 mobile experts have been at the forefront of mobile enterprise innovation. IBM has secured more than 4,300 patents in mobile, social and security, that have been incorporated into IBM MobileFirst solutions that enable enterprise clients to radically streamline and accelerate mobile adoption, help organizations engage more people and capture new markets.

IBM has made a dozen acquisitions in security in the past decade, has more than 6,000 security researchers and developers in its 25 security labs worldwide that work on developing enterprise-class solutions.

IBM has also established the world’s deepest portfolio in Big Data and Analytics consulting and technology expertise based on experiences drawn from more than 40,000 data and analytics client engagements. This analytics portfolio spans research and development, solutions, software and hardware, and includes more than 15,000 analytics consultants, 4,000 analytics patents, 6,000 industry solution business partners, and 400 IBM mathematicians who are helping clients use big data to transform their organizations.

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