特斯拉入门级车型要涨价啦,11月22号起Model S 60售价将再次上扬2000美元

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特斯拉入门级车型要涨价啦,11月22号起Model S 60售价将再次上扬2000美元

上周五,特斯拉在一封邮件中表示,其将在11月22号提高入门级车型Model S 60的起步价,在原来的基础上增加2000美金。据信,11月22号是特斯拉能在年底完成发货的最后一天。对消费者来说,在11月22号之前下订单能够节省2000美元,而对特斯拉而言,这则是它发动一切“需求撬动杠杆”来完成Q4发货,并完成全年销量目标的促销手段。

至此,特斯拉Model S的起步价将从6.6万美金变成6.8万美金。目前,特斯拉共提供四款车型,Model S 60,续航218英里;Model S 75,续航259英里;Model S 90D,续航294英里,以及Model S P100D,续航315英里。其中Model S 60和Model S 75都可以额外购买“D”配置套件,能再提高一些续航。今年二月份,特斯拉取消了其中间车型Model S 85,并在八月份推出了Model S P100D。



除了上述俩措施,别忘了有些地区年底买车还有电动车补贴呢,比如美国联邦税收减免。此外,前段时间特斯拉为卖车还推出了老车主邀请优惠政策, 比如在10月17号,一位中国特斯拉车主收到邮件称,新一期的特斯拉车主引荐计划于2016年10月17日0时(美国时间10月16日)开始,截止到2017年01月15日24时。在此期间,使用特斯拉老车主或准车主的引荐链接购买全新 Model S 和 Model X 的客户均可获得减免 ¥8,000 的优惠。

最后,特斯拉在邮件中还不忘提到其“完全自动驾驶套件”Autopilot 2.0,它表示这将是一个有着“未来意义”的因素,对特斯拉的Q4销量也将起到杠杆作用。



Here’s Tesla’s email in full:

An Update to our Supercharger Program

Four years ago, Tesla introduced the Supercharger Network – the world’s fastest charging solution – to enable convenient long distance travel. Today, more than 4,600 Superchargers allow over 160,000 Tesla owners to drive all over the world.

We recently announced a change to the economics of Supercharging – one that allows us to reinvest in the network, accelerate its growth and bring all owners, current and future, the best Supercharging experience.

Any Tesla ordered by December 31, 2016 will continue to benefit from free unlimited Supercharging. For Model S and Model X vehicles ordered after January 1, 2017, 400 kWh of free Supercharging credits (roughly 1,000 miles) will be included annually so that owners can continue to enjoy free Supercharging during travel.


All Tesla Cars Now With Full Self-Driving Hardware All Tesla vehicles produced in our factory now have full self-driving hardware, enabling a rapidly expanding set of new Autopilot features to be introduced over time. While active safety features continue to come standard in all Tesla vehicles, customers can now choose from two new Autopilot packages: Enhanced Autopilot, which is an advanced suite of driver-assistance features, and Full Self-Driving Capability which will ultimately take you from home to work and find a parking space for you on its own.

Self-driving vehicles will play a crucial role in improving transportation safety and accelerating the world’s transition to a sustainable future. Once the software is extensively validated and there is regulatory approval, full autonomy will enable a Tesla to be substantially safer than a human driver. It will also lower the financial cost of transportation for those who own a car, while providing low-cost on-demand mobility for those who do not.

Price Increase for Model S 60

On November 22, 2016 the base price of Model S 60 will be increasing by $2,000. Now is the time to get behind the wheel of a Tesla for as low as $737/month (details here). The Model S 60 can drive up to 218 miles on a single charge and accelerates from zero to 60 mph in just 5.5 seconds.


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