




2017 China Intellectual Property

Commercial Operation Conference







Intellectual property commercial operation ("IPCO") refers to the professional management of intellectual property rights,especially those relating to the use of intellectual property for financial gains, in order to make the best use of the systems that are intended to establish and protect such rights. It is a new field of study only recently being developed in China,while the US, Europe and Japan have long been in the leading position, both in terms of theory and practice. This is actually one of the important reasons as to why Chinese enterprises often have to pay a great amount of loyalties each year to foreign intellectual property owners. However, China has been gradually developing this field. Based on the national business registration records, the number of intellectual property operation companies registered in China has been doubled each year in the recent three years.

At the end of 2016, Patent Management Director of the SIPO, Lei Xiaoyun, stated that: "After more than two years of continuous searching and studying, intellectual property, innovation resources, industrial development, and financial capital have been integrated quite effectively. We also began to build an intellectual property operation service system which includes those four elements, namely platform, institutions, capital, and industry. Nationwide intellectual property operation business is gradually developing." Director Lei Xiaoyun alsopointed out that: "Innovation is now the number one driving force for development. How to accelerate the speed of integration of intellectual property, industrial innovation, and economic development through the development of intellectual property service sector and how to reinforce industrial development through intellectual property operation are the two challenges we have to solve during the process of supply-side structural reform and when we are moving up to the next level of industrial development. "

Being the core functional area where Shanghai is relying upon when building a globally renowned technology and innovation center, Juyuan New Area, in the recent two years, has been focusing on building an intellectual property-based technical service zone and has succeed in attracting numerous highly reputable intellectual property service companies, such as, 上海盛知华、南京纵横、超凡股份、深圳君盛.

In order to enhance brand awareness and to increase the influence of such core and such technical service zone, Juyuan therefore will organize the 2017 China Intellectual Property Commercial Operation Conference in conjunction with the National Eastern Tech-Transfer Center ,CIPOA (China Intellectual Property Operation Alliance), Rongcheng (Shanghai) Intellectual Property Co., Ltd., and IPRdaily, and will invite domestic and foreign experts to share their experiences so as to further the development process of intellectual property commercial operation in China.




指导单位: 国家知识产权局管理司、上海市知识产权局、中国专利保护协会

主办单位: 嘉定区政府

联合主办: 中国知识产权运营联盟

承办机构 :容橙(上海)知识产权运营有限公司、知识产权产业媒体IPRdaily、上海水之园经济城、上海财华科技服务有限公司、嘉定区科委、嘉定区司法局、菊园新区管委会

支持单位: 七弦琴国家平台研究院

Guidance units: State Intellectual Property Office Intellectual property management department,Shanghai Intellectual Property Office,PPAC

Sponsored by: Jiading District Government

Co-sponsored by: National Eastern Tech-Transfer Center,

CIPOA (China Intellectual Property Operation Alliance)

Organizers: Rongcheng (Shanghai) Intellectual Property Co., Ltd. 


Jiading District Science and Technology Commission,

Jiading District Justice Bureau,

Juyuan New Area Administrative Committee

Support unit: Banjo National Platform Institute;



Time, place, scale, form

时间: 2017年6月16日       

地点: 上海市嘉定区喜来登大酒店

规模: 200-300人      

形式: 主论坛(现场与在线直播同步进行)

颁奖: 2016年度中国高校院所运营机构十强


Time: June 16, 2017

Location: Sheraton Hotel, Shanghai Jiading District

Scale: 200-300 participants

Activity form: Main forum ( live broadcast simultaneously)

awards: 2016 Top 10 Institutions of higher learning in China

2016 Top 10 Chinese patent operation enterprises

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编辑:IPRdaily 赵珍  /   校对:IPRdaily   纵横君

