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虎嗅注: 14年9月,微软收购了沙盒游戏Minecraft(我的世界),虎嗅曾撰文《 因为被微软收购,让我们有机会了解Minecraft——一个如此独特的游戏世界 》。这个独立完成的游戏,在沙盒中建立起了完整的游戏世界,并以2.5亿美元的高价卖给微软。时间刚好过去一年,可被财富陪伴的一年,他并没有感受到充实。创建游戏,让Markus Persson营造了完整的精神世界;卖掉游戏,却让他收获财富的同时感到孤独。他让无数人在虚拟世界里沉迷,自己却没能在现实世界重拾快乐。本文原载于 Business Insider 网易科技 翻译,虎嗅有删编。



在这个高科技的世界,数十亿美元可以轻易降临在年轻的书呆子头上。而Minecraft的缔造者,创办Mojang公司36岁的瑞典人Markus Persson就是这样一个幸运儿。当时微软收购Minecraft的成交价达到25亿美元。



他表示:“有钱之后让人失去了继续努力尝试的理由和人际交往由于背景的失衡变得十分困难。” 对于很多人来说,Persson似乎成为了拥有了一切的男人。但是,他却在哀叹维系关系的难度,“在伊比沙岛与一帮朋友和名人聚会,做我想做的事情,但我从来没有觉得如此孤独。”



Persson同样后悔卖了Mojang,他确保了员工们的衣食无忧,但“他们现在都恨我。” 那为何不瞄准更高的目标呢?为什么开展自己的慈善事业?Persson的回答是:“我如果跟Musk一样尝试拯救世界,那我会最终进入让我再次出售Minecraft的窘境。”


最后,他表示之所以发布这些Twitter:“是为了发泄,感觉如果我不隐藏它,会感到好一点。” 物联网的世界让许多年轻人顺间获得了巨大财富,现在我们知道这些人也不是每个都很快乐。


The problem with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying, and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

Hanging out in ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I've never felt more isolated.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

In sweden, I will sit around and wait for my friends with jobs and families to have time to do shit, watching my reflection in the monitor.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

When we sold the company, the biggest effort went into making sure the employees got taken care of, and they all hate me now.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

Found a great girl, but she's afraid of me and my life style and went with a normal person instead.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

I would Musk and try to save the world, but that just exposes me to the same type of assholes that made me sell minecraft again.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

People who made sudden success are telling me this is normal and will pass. That's good to know! I guess I'll take a shower then!

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

The problem with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying, and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

Hanging out in ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I've never felt more isolated.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

In sweden, I will sit around and wait for my friends with jobs and families to have time to do shit, watching my reflection in the monitor.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

When we sold the company, the biggest effort went into making sure the employees got taken care of, and they all hate me now.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

Found a great girl, but she's afraid of me and my life style and went with a normal person instead.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

I would Musk and try to save the world, but that just exposes me to the same type of assholes that made me sell minecraft again.

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

People who made sudden success are telling me this is normal and will pass. That's good to know! I guess I'll take a shower then!

— Markus Persson (@notch)August 29, 2015

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