OPPO和vivo印度销量下滑百名中国员工撤退 回应报道失实

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OPPO和vivo印度销量下滑百名中国员工撤退 回应报道失实



此报道称,据四名行业高管称,这些被调回的员工一部分来自30多家中国人开设的OPPO、vivo手机分销公司,另一部分则很可能来自OPPO、vivo的子公司。曾代表vivo商谈并签署印度超级板球联赛赞助协议的vivo印度区首席营销官Vivek Zhang,在本月早些时候便已回国。行业高管称,这些中国员工之所以被调回国,主要是因为两大品牌在7月、8月的销量同比暴跌了30%。



Vivo commented: All the media reports about sending Chinese expats home on low sales, high hostility are mere speculations. We are committed to the Indian market, and as part of our long term vision, we will continue to invest in India in expanding our operation and bringing world-class products to the Indian consumers. Movement of the executives has been a routine practice and has no relation to the overall brand performance. Vivo has seen steady growth recently, and we are committed to fulfilling our brand promises and adding more value for our customers with innovative products and quality services. Also, during the growth phase, as with any other company, some employees move on in pursuit of other opportunities, we wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We are humble in acknowledging the endless support that we have received from our business partners and customers since our operation began in 2014.


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