小时候上学的时候总要背诵很多名人名言,而如今在网上经常可以看到各种励志鸡汤,还总是打着 马云 、盖茨这些成功人士的旗号,但其实很多都是忽悠人,真假难辨。
比如说2014年的时候,有关 马云 的谣言就特别多,各种马云说……也是泛滥成灾,闹得马云都不得不亲自出面辟谣,但没什么效果。
现在,2015年过去了,2016年来了, 阿里巴巴 官方特意盘点了马云去年在各种场合的一些经典讲话,用8句“鸡汤”总结了阿里的2015年,也献给那些需要励志的朋友。
To those,We hope that in the foreseeable future all the management teams in our group will be those who were born in the 1970's.
2、我们希望,把阿里集团,从“有”做到“无”,这个“无”是无处不在的“无”。 因为只有我们无处不在,我们的客户才能得到收益,我们的中小企业客户,才能得到发展。
We hope that we can make Alibaba Group from existing to ubiquitous. "Ubiquitous" means we are available everywhere. Because only when we are ubiquitous, can our clients benefit, can our small and medium-sized corporation clients be developed.
3、 阿里巴巴 不是一家电子商务公司,我们是帮助别人做电子商务,因为我们的使命,不是把自己的货越卖越多。我们的使命:让天下没有难做的生意,让别人的货越卖越好。
Alibaba Group is not an e-commerce company. We are helping others build e-commerce companies. Our mission is not to sell our own products. To make it easy to do business, and make others sell more of their products is what we aim to do.
We are the same. We have affection and faith. We are doing one meaningful thing together.
We are not waiting for the future. We hope to win a better future for the world.
Who you are today was determined by what you thought and did ten years ago. Who you will be in the next 10 years is determined by what you are doing now.
To create a better business era by computers, data and our e-commerce capabilities.
Everyone of you shall not look down upon the work you do, because you are influencing the world.