Twitter 推送通知向用户推荐可能感兴趣的人和推文
Twitter 宣布大规模推出“用户可能感兴趣的人和推文”的通知功能。Twitter iPhone 版、安卓版app 将以推送通知的形式向用户推荐内容,包括用户 Twitter 个性社交网中新的热门推文、热门 ID。比如用户在 Twitter 上的十个好友都转发了同一条推文,Twitter 便会将这条推文推送给用户。比如,用户的十个 Twitter 好友都关注了同一个 ID, Twitter 便会将这个 ID 推荐给用户。
Twitter 在此次大规模推出该功能之前曾使用 @MagicRecs ID 进行过小规模测试,反响不错。
At this point I follow everyone @MagicRecs suggests.
— Todd Johnson (@todd534) September 14, 2013
So @magicrecs is a little bit magic. Unobtrusive, and quite cool.
— Sacha (@szechuan) September 2, 2013
Gotta say: time and again, @MagicRecs has come through. What a great recommendation engine.
— Alexis C. Madrigal (@alexismadrigal) August 22, 2013
I found out about @OvercastFM via @MagicRecs. Pretty impressive actually.
— Ben Thompson (@monkbent) September 23, 2013
Journalists, you should follow @MagicRecs. Personalized, realtime Twitter recommendations — pretty useful for news.
— Liz Heron (@lheron) July 9, 2013
.@MagicRecs is amazing.
— Hunter Owens (@Owens) June 13, 2013
I’m impressed with how sneaky good @MagicRecs is.
— Anthony De Rosa (@AntDeRosa) August 13, 2013
标签: Twitter