你在Windows上玩的那个经典纸牌游戏 马上就可以在手机上玩了

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Windows 上的经典纸牌游戏合集  (Microsoft Solitaire Collection) 很快就要登录 iOS/Android 平台了, 据国外媒体报道 ,有部分「微软休闲游戏内测圈」 (Microsoft Casual Games Inner Circle) 的成员收到了来自微软的邮件 邀请来参加 手机版纸牌的 beta 版本测试。

你在Windows上玩的那个经典纸牌游戏 马上就可以在手机上玩了

微软纸牌游戏合集微软在 Windows 平台上的经典 游戏,它第一 次出现的时候是在 Windows 8 操作系统上, 此后 Windows 10 也保留了该款游戏,包括以前版本的 Windows 中内置的 FreeCell (空当接龙),Spider (蜘蛛纸牌),Klondike (纸牌接龙),和全新的 TriPeaks 和 Pyramid 两种新样式,可从 Windows Store 中下载。游戏可使用 Xbox Live 账号登录以联机游戏。

你在Windows上玩的那个经典纸牌游戏 马上就可以在手机上玩了

在 iOS 和 Android 应用商店里,已经有 开发者制作出类似的纸牌游戏。


“Do you have an iPhone, iPad, or other iOS/Android device? If so, then here’s some exciting news: We are developing Microsoft Solitaire Collection for iOS and Android devices and we are looking for a group of passionate Solitaire players to help us test our beta version of the game as we continue to work on it.

As a valuable member of the Microsoft Casual Games Inner Circle, we wanted to give you the first opportunity to be a part of our beta program and give us feedback on the experience.

If you are interested in joining our beta program and getting a sneak peak of the game on your iOS or Android device, please click on this link and sign in with your Microsoft Account to give us some information about your devices.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play our games and provide valuable feedback! You help make our games the best they can be! Follow us on Facebook for the latest news and updates.

-The Microsoft Casual Games Team”

