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包括 Google、苹果Facebook、Github、Uber、Lyft 等多加将近 100 多家科技公司纷纷发表声明支持美国第九巡回法庭在上周日晚间 做出一项裁决 ,否决美国司法部在上诉期间紧急暂停执行「罗巴特裁决」的要求,这意味着美国新任总统特朗普签署的入境限制令目前不会恢复执行。

据新华社报道,此前美国华盛顿州西区联邦地方法院法官詹姆斯·罗巴特 3 日在西雅图作出裁决,在全美范围内暂停实施特朗普入境限制令,即刻生效。美国司法部 4 日正式宣布将提起上诉,指控罗巴特这一裁决逾越司法权限,干涉总统对国家安全事务的处置。

特朗普 1 月 20 日宣誓就职,1 月 27 日签署总统行政令,命令在 120 天内暂停全球难民入境;在 90 天内暂停伊朗、苏丹、叙利亚、利比亚、索马里、也门和伊拉克 7 国公民入境;无限期禁止叙利亚难民进入美国。据《西雅图时报》 (Seattle Times) 报道,将近有 21000 名华盛顿州居民出身于被禁止入境的国家,根据法院的判决,将会有 7000 名居民受到特朗普禁止令的影响。


In the Sunday night 53-page amicus filing, the corporations forcefully argued in favor of America’s history as a "nation of immigrants," and noted that if the order is allowed to stand, "American workers and the economy will suffer as a result."

The filing came less than two months after high-level executives from several tech companies, including Apple CEO Tim Cook, attended a "summit" with the then-president-elect at Trump Tower in New York.

According to earlier reporting by the Seattle Times, over 21,000 Washington residents were born in Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. In court filings, state lawyers said that over 7,000 state residents were affected by the ban.

Earlier on Friday, government lawyers in a related case in Virginia said that at least 60,000 and possibly as many as 100,000 people have had their visas revoked as a result of the executive order.

