I still love software as much today as I did when Paul Allen and I started Microsoft. But—even though it has improved a lot in the decades since then—in many wa
(原标题:Bill Gates: Why bet AI’s future on self-driving cars?)网易科技讯7月19日消息,据Fastcompany报道,通过将个人电脑系统和软件推向全球各地的工作场合,比尔・盖茨(Bill Gates)开创了自己的事业,并赚得盘满钵满。在共同创立微软44年之后,他说
(原标题:Bill Gates defends the rise of new technologies like artificial intelligence)网易科技讯 11月15日消息,据CNBC网站报道,微软创始人比尔・盖茨(Bill Gates)对新技术的崛起以及它们未来几年将如何影响人类感到乐观。在沙特首