速途网12月21日消息(报道:汪妍妍)据路透社、彭博新闻社等媒体报道,社交游戏开发商Zynga周四表示将收购芬兰游戏工作室Small GiantGames多数股权,后者开发了热门安卓游戏《帝国与谜题》(Empires & Puzzles),预计交易总额为7亿美元。Zynga最初将以5.6亿美元收购Small G
(Chinese Version)According to The Beijing News on April 3rd, China's bike sharing unicorn Mobike held a board meeting and approved the acquisition by Chinese te
文章分类:产业新闻3D Systems
刚刚宣布收购为星战、哈比人以及哈利波特等知名电影制作模型的 Gentle Giant Studios。3D Systems 打算将 Gentle Giant 的技术和海量电子内容资库整合到他们的消费者平台,以及将其品牌关系扩展至玩具、收藏品和人物模型的 3D 扫瞄、模型制作和
An ancient war is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Serving a full dose of HTML5 v