


文 / 天下网商记者王佳健

编辑 / 周麟









2、 开店时间大于或等于180天且小于730天,近180天的店铺月均销售额不足人民币5万元,且平均成交转化率排名末尾10%。注意,平均成交转化率等指标都在按计划上线中。









第一章 续签限制

第一条 截止至2016年9月30日为止,开店时间大于等于90天,商家的近90天48小时响应率、近90天的退款完结时长两个指标同时在行业排名的末尾10%,天猫国际有权决定不予续签。

第二条 截止至2016年9月30日为止,开店时间大于等于180天,且近6个月的月均销售额不足人民币1万元的商家,天猫国际有权决定不予续签。

第三条 截止至2016年9月30日为止,开店时间大于等于90天,且在线销售商品数为0的商家,天猫国际有权决定不予续签。

第四条  须在2016年12月19日下午18时之前完成续签申请及相关资质及证明文件的提交,并在2016年12月26日下午18时之前完成年费的缴纳及保证金的锁定。若未及时缴纳年费及保证金,或商家资质不符合要求,或存在其他不满足续签要求的情形的,天猫国际将在2016年12月31日监管店铺并终止合作。

第五条  符合续签条件的商家,将获得天猫国际邀请续签2017《天猫国际商户服务协议》。

第六条  为有效配合中国海关、商检部门对跨境电商进口业务的各项监管要求,保障消费者权益不受影响,所有天猫国际签约店铺通过跨境申报模式进境的宝贝和订单需通过菜鸟物流发货,商家在签署《菜鸟国际配送服务协议》后自主通过菜鸟官方网站订购各项服务。

第二章 续签商家资质标准













Chapter 1 Contract Renewal Limitations 

Article 1 As of and including  September 30, 2016, where a Merchant whose store has opened for more than or exactly ninety (90) days, and two of the targets, namely the 48-hour Response Rate and the Refund Completion Time for the past ninety (90) days, are both ranked in the last 10% of businesses in the same industry, Tmall Global has the right to decide not to renew its contract. 

Article 2 As of and including September 30, 2016, where a Merchant’s store has opened for more than or exactly one-hundred and eighty (180) days, and the monthly average sales do not amount to RMB 10,000 for the past six (6) months, Tmall Global has the right to decide not to renew its contract.

Article 3 As of and including September 30, 2016, where a Merchant’s store has opened for more than or exactly ninety (90) days, and the online sale of products is zero (0), Tmall Global has the right to decide not to renew its contract.

Article 4 Merchants must complete the contract renewal application and submit relevant qualifications and documents of proof before 18:00 on December 19, 2016, and must complete the payment of the annual fee and security deposit before 18:00 on December 26, 2016. Where a Merchant fails to pay the annual fee and security deposit on time, or where a Merchant’s qualifications do not fulfill the requirements, or where there are other circumstances where the requirements for renewal are not satisfied, Tmall Global will impose Store Supervision on the Merchant and terminate the cooperation on December 31, 2016. 

Article 5 Merchants fulfilling the requirements will be invited by Tmall Global to sign the 2017“Tmall Global Business Services Agreement”.  

Article 6  In order to comply with customs regulations, the Commodity Inspection Bureau's cross border requirements and to protect the interest of consumers, all Tmall Global merchants using cross-border clearance channels and their products must use Cainiao service. After signing the "Cainiao International Delivery Agreement" merchants can visit the Cainiao official website to purchase each service.

Chapter 2 Qualification Standards for Merchant Contract Renewal 

Merchants that have their contracts renewed must submit relevant qualifications and documents of proof, in accordance with the following requirements:

第一章 续签限制

第一条   截止2017年9月30日,开店时间大于或等于90天,近90天自主退款完结时长排名末尾10%,且店铺DSR均值小于4.6的商家,天猫国际有权决定不予续签《天猫国际商户服务协议》。

第二条   截止2017年9月30日,开店时间大于或等于90天,在线销售商品数小于10个的商家,天猫国际有权决定不予续签。

第三条   截止2017年9月30日,开店时间大于或等于180天且小于730天,近180天的店铺月均销售额不足人民币5万元,且平均成交转化率排名末尾10%的商家,天猫国际有权决定不予续签。

第四条   截止2017年9月30日,开店时间大于或等于730天,近180天的店铺月均销售额不足人民币5万元,天猫国际有权决定不予续签。

第五条   符合续签条件的商家,将获得天猫国际邀请续签2018年《天猫国际商户服务协议》。

第六条   商家须在2017年12月19日下午18时之前完成续签申请及相关资质及证明文件的提交,并在2017年12月26日下午18时之前完成年费的缴纳及保证金的锁定。若商家资质不符合要求,或未及时缴纳年费及保证金,或存在其他不满足续签要求的情形的,天猫国际将在2017年12月31日监管店铺并终止合作。

第七条   为有效配合中国海关、商检部门对跨境电商进口业务的各项监管要求,保障消费者权益不受影响,所有天猫国际签约店铺通过跨境申报模式进境的宝贝和订单需通过菜鸟物流发货,商家在签署《国际物流服务协议》后自主通过菜鸟官方网站订购各项服务。

第二章 续签商家资质标准




Chapter I Limitation on Renewal

Article 1 Tmall Global is entitled to not renew the Agreement with Merchant where, as at September 30, 2017, Merchant has operated its store for 90 days or more, for the last 90 days ranks bottom 10% amongst other merchants in terms of the time it takes to autonomously complete refunds, and has an average DSR value of lower than 4.6 for its store.

Article 2 Tmall Global is entitled to not renew the Agreement with Merchant where, as at September 30, 2017, Merchant has operated its store for 90 days or more, and has sold less than 10 commodities online.

Article 3 Tmall Global is entitled to not renew the Agreement with Merchant where, as at September 30, 2017, Merchant has operated its store for 180 days or more but less than 730 days, has on average completed less than RMB 50,000 in monthly sales for its store in the last 180 days, and ranks bottom 10% amongst other merchants in terms of its average deal-and-conversion rate.

Article 4 Tmall Global is entitled to not renew the Agreement with Merchant where, as at September 30, 2017, Merchant has operated its store for 730 days or more and has on average completed less than RMB 50,000 in monthly sales for its store in the last 180 days.

Article 5 Any Merchant who meets the conditions for renewal as stated under Section I (articles 1 to 4) above will be invited by Tmall Global to renew the Tmall Global Merchant Service Agreement for 2018.

Article 6 Merchant has to finish submission of the renewal application and provide relevant qualification and proof documents before 18:00 onDecember 19, 2017 as well as complete the payment of Annual Fee and Deposit before 18:00 on December 26, 2017. Where the merchant presents unsatisfactory qualifications, or fails to pay the Annual Fee and the Deposit in time, or is subject to any other circumstance that does not satisfy these rules, then Tmall Global will supervise and terminate cooperation with the store on December 31, 2017.

Article 7 In order to be compliant with the various regulatory requirements of the customs and the commodity inspection department of China on cross-border e-commerce import businesses and to protect the interests of consumers from being affected, all stores with which Tmall Global has contracted shall ship via Cainiao logistics under the cross-border declaration mode, and the merchants shall independently subscribe for services through the official website of Caniao (cainiao.com) after signing the “International Logistics Services Agreement”.

Chapter II Qualifications and Standards of Renewal Merchants

Merchants applying for renewal shall provide the originals and scanned copies of the corresponding qualifications and proof materials for the requirements described below.

Where any non-trademark holder sets up any brand/shopping place-type flagship store starting January 1, 2018, the corresponding template of“Exclusive Authorization for Opening of Store” will be updated (template for download), and the term of the Exclusive Authorization for Opening of Store must be a clear period which will expire no earlier than December 31, 2018.


