我们从一个简单的练习开始吧 “如果我们任命你为店长,去管理经营状况最糟糕的一个店面。那么,在经营这家店时,你会考虑哪些方面?你要做什么去改变当前糟糕的局面呢?”
我们看看这张图, 我从四个层面考虑了可能的影响因素:店铺层面、产品层面、客户层面和宏观层面。下面我快速的解释一下每一个层面。
城市类型 :大城市和一线城市的店铺销量应该更高,因为这些城市居民收入更高;
人口密度 :人口密度高的地方店铺销量应该更高,因为需求更多;
储存容量 :面积大的店铺销量应该更高,因为他们可以提供一站式消费,而且人们喜欢在一个地方就买齐所有东西;
竞争对手 :附近有相似的店铺的店销量更低因为面临竞争更大;
市场营销 :市场划分更明确的店铺销量应该更高,因为他们可以准确的为客户提供服务并进行宣传、以吸引更多客户;
店铺地点 :受欢迎的集贸市场附近的店铺销量应该更高,因为这些市场客流量大;
名牌 :名牌产品销量应该更高,因为消费者更信任品牌;
包装 :包装精美的产品可以吸引消费者,销量更好;
用途 :和特殊用途商品相比,日常使用的产品销量更好;
展示区域 :在店铺里更大柜台展示的产品可以最先抓住消费者的注意力,卖的更好;
店铺中的可见性 :产品在店铺中的摆放位置会影响销量。和摆在后面的产品相比, 摆在入口处的产品可以最先吸引消费者的注意力;
宣传 :在大部分情况下,店铺中宣传更多的产品销量更高;
客户行为 :店铺产品与当地消费者需求匹配,就可以获得更高销量;
工作性质 :领导层工作的消费者比其他层面工作的消费者购买力更高;
家庭规模 :家庭成员越多,在购买产品上的开支越大;
年收入 :消费者的年收入越高,购买昂贵产品的可能性越大;
自然环境 :如果政府宣布自然环境是安全的,消费者在购买产品时就不会担心这个产品是否是环境友好的;
You have been appointed as a store manager for our worst performing store. What are the possible factors / changes you would make in your store?
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City type: Stores located in urban or Tier 1 cities should have higher sales because of the higher income levels of people there.
Population Density: Stores located in densely populated areas should have higher sales because of more demand.
Store Capacity: Stores which are very big in size should have higher sales as they act like one-stop-shops and people would prefer getting everything from one place.
Competitors: Stores having similar establishments nearby should have less sales because of more competition.
Marketing: Stores which have a good marketing division should have higher sales as it will be able to attract customers through the right offers and advertising.
Location: Stores located within popular marketplaces should have higher sales because of better access to customers.
Ambiance: Stores which are well-maintained and managed by polite and humble people are expected to have higher footfall and thus higher sales.
Brand: Branded products should have higher sales because of higher trust in the customer.
Utility: Daily use products should have a higher tendency to sell as compared to the specific use products.
Display Area: Products which are given bigger shelves in the store are likely to catch attention first and sell more.
Visibility in Store: The location of product in a store will impact sales. Ones which are right at entrance will catch the eye of customer first rather than the ones in back.
Advertising: Better advertising of products in the store will should higher sales in most cases.
Promotional Offers: Products accompanied with attractive offers and discounts will sell more.
Customer Behavior: Stores keeping the right set of products to meet the local needs of customers will have higher sales.
Job Profile: Customer working at executive levels would have higher chances of purchasing high amount products as compared to customers working at entry or mid senior level.
Family Size: More the number of family members, more amount will be spent by a customer to buy products.
Annual Income: Higher the annual income of a customer, customer is more likely to buy high cost products.
Past Purchase History: Availablity of this information can help us to determine the frequency of a product being purchased by a user.
Environment: If the environment is declared safe by government, customer would be more likely to purchase products without worrying if it’s environment friendly or not.
Economic Growth: If the current economy shows a consistent growth, per capita income will rise, therefore buying power of customers will increase.